Illustrated by Marvel & DC Comics artist David Baldeón, ANYMAN is a contemporary superhero book with an unexpected twist. If you’ve enjoyed JM’s more mainstream superhero work on Spider-Man, Justice League or Captain America, you were born to love ANYMAN!
Who is Godsend? An alien? A celestial being? A hero--or a threat to civilization? JM and new artist Scott Koblish (Deadpool) will be providing answers to those questions and more in this cosmic mystery that JM himself describes as “Jack Kirby meets The Matrix meets Philip K. Dick.”
LAYLA IN THE LANDS OF AFTER is an all-ages fantasy adventure about the Afterlife, illustrated by the great Shawn McManus. From Moonshadow to Abadazad to The Stardust Kid, there is no greater writer of comic book fantasy than JM DeMatteis. LAYLA is his latest Can’t Miss in this genre.
Brought to visual life via the haunted pen of Tom Mandrake, WISDOM is an exceptional supernatural tale that is equal parts gritty Western and fantasy epic. It's Deadwood meets The X-Files. John Ford meets Tolkien. And it's deeply personal and hugely epic.
"Charles Dickens meets Sherlock Holmes meets Frankenstein" in The Edward Gloom Mysteries, a dark and darkly funny book co-created with JM's AUGUSTA WIND collaborator, the incredible VASILLIS GOGTZILAS.
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